Sunday, September 23, 2012

Keeping Bees in Towns and Cities.

After a walk at Morton Arboretum we stopped into the store.  They had the book "Keeping Bes in Towns and Cities" promentently presented on an end cap.  This new book has a 2 page feature on our bee keeping in Downers Grove.  It has a couple of photos, one showing Aleena and the bees.  Aleena was tickeled to be in a store and see her photo on a book.
It is a great book that really captures the essence and joy of bee keeping.
Link to page showing Aleena
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Friday, September 21, 2012

An author in England, Luke Dixon, wrote a beekeeping book; "Keeping Bees in Towns and Cities".  It is a wonderful book about beekeeping and urban environments.  It captures the joy of beekeeping really well.

He had included two pages my efforts and have included a couple of my photos.  Here is a link to the page in the book that show the photo of Aleena.  The page before also shows a photo of the hive with the snow.

Link to page in book

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Award Winning Honey

 I had submitted honey to the Morton Arboretum Honey competition and received third place in the Dark honey category.

I am just learning about how they judge honey, but they have many points from taste, water content, any sugar cristals to finger prints on the jar. 
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