Tuesday, January 31, 2012

50 Degree Day

It got up to 50 degrees outside today, not bad at the end of Jan.  Some of the bees poked their heads out and stretched their wings.

It seems that 50 degrees is what they look for to venture outside.  Any colder and I do not see them out at all.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It has been a warm Dec & 1st 1/2 of Jan. Today we got up to 50 degrees. As the sun heats the front of the hive the bees come out. Have placed some water infront of the hive and some honey for the them to eat.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Presidential Bee's

During my friends to trip to Washington DC he was able to capture a photo of a bee hive on the White-house south lawn.

My stand for the bee hive it not that nice.  Also note they do not use any deep hive body's.  I think I am going to go that route for any new hives.